Hello, members of the Vista Star Service Unit,
On the negative side, only two individuals responded to the survey request. On the positive, those two had thoughtful and insightful responses.
Before the next Delegate Dialog meeting, I'll brainstorm ways to elicit a larger response and ask for suggestions at the next leader meeting.
1. Member Type (Girl member, Adult volunteer, Other)
Girl member - 1
Adult volunteer - 1 (50%)
2. Number of years in Scouting
5 years, 10 years
3. To what grade level group do you belong? (Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, Ambassador, Juliette)
Daisy - 0 (0%)
Brownie - 0 (0%)
Junior - 1 (50%)
Cadette - 0 (0%)
Senior - 1 (50%)
Ambassador - 0 (0%)
Juliette - 0 (0%)
4. For girl members, please answer this question suggested by a girl member:
If Girl Scouting could be anything, what would you want it to be?
I like it how it is now. It is a great place to find friends and help others!
5. What are the three things that Girl Scouts River Valleys is doing best?
Girl member responses:
* Offering fun service projects and events
* Providing good guidelines
* Updating cookie program
Adult volunteer responses
* Communicating via emails
* Transitioning cookie sales to new format
* Making camps available for girls
6. In what three areas should Girl Scouts River Valleys improve?
Girl member responses
* Have more fun events for older girls
* New cookies
* Have ideas for gold awards
Adult volunteer responses:
* Explanation of new curriculum (have bronze award information prominent by GS handbooks and email troops when they bridge about new level curriculum)
* Make camping information (what is unique about each cabin and site) easier to understand online
* Stop selling so many "knick-knacks" via email announcements
7. Have you attended a GSRV camp?
Yes - 2 (100%) No - 0 (0%)
8. If you could tell the GSRV Board of Directors one thing, what would it be?
* Thank you for doing a great job and putting in the time!
* Thank you for your time; GS provides unique and valuable opportunities both at camp and throughout our community for girls.
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